About Me

I am a life long liberal who enjoys following politics.  I keep up on most things local, statewide and nationally.  I am opinionated, but not stubborn, so a good argument can always sway me.  The problem is most people don’t have good arguments and rely on misinformation and scare tactics to get others on their side.  My hope is to supply a place for people to read the truth about issues and to point out what I think is unsaid in the conversations.

I will not be putting my name on the blog, on the internet, but don’t care if people know it is me.  If you ask me, I will confirm it.  I am just not going to list it on the blog for now. Too many crazies out there.

People I admire:

  • Hillary Clinton – For her strength and pragmatic viewpoints in government. Also, for her resilience in her continued attempt to break down the hardest and highest glass ceiling.
  • Leslie Knope – For her love of public service and her tenacity to get the job done even when it’s unappreciated.
  • Rachel Maddow -For her intelligent way of analyzing an issue by walking her audience through the issue step by step.



“Sometimes when a woman speaks out, some people think she’s shouting.”
~Hillary Clinton