This blog will concentrate on current political topics that I feel need a more in-depth explanation for the general public. The main purpose of the blog is for people to have a place to go to read the truth based on facts and logic. It will correct any misinformation that is purposely propagated by others so that readers can know the full story. I will supply references whenever possible to back up specific points that I make in my posts. There will also be a lot of opinion woven in to each blog piece.
This blog is not journalism, but is simply a blog about current political issues based on my opinions. I am not a professional writer and do not have an editor, so please don’t hassle me about typos or grammatical errors. When composing these posts, I just write what’s on my mind and don’t always see the mistakes when I re-read things repetitively. I hope that my points are clear and concise. I will warn you now that I sometimes use strange metaphors to describe things. It is just me. I like to compare-contrast things for the public to understand them better. However, I am no way a talented wordsmith. I have a dry sense of humor that some tend to like, while others sometimes don’t understand the irony in what I am pointing out to them.
Enjoy the read and pass along to others if you think I have something important to say that others might appreciate. My purpose is to get some real facts out to the public from the average person who may look at things differently than the politicos. Some of the things I say might be things that actually cross your mind, but you never hear discussed in the news.
There will be no comments open on the blog. Hate mail won’t be answered and you will be blocked. Read it, like it, hate it, and/or pass it on if you are so inclined, but no trolls allowed. This isn’t my first blog rodeo.
“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.”
– Guy Kawasaki